About Us

Camp Petroleum Services
Camp Petroleum Services is our specialized subsidiary, global joint-stock company with a decade of experience delivering comprehensive services to the oil drilling industry. Established in 2014 by a leading oilfield professionals, the company specializes in drilling site services, air, land, and sea transportation, food services, security and safety, drilling missions, software, and electrical equipment. Operating under the provisions of Law (159) of 1981, Camp Petroleum Services also excels in providing top-tier catering and support solutions for remote oilfield operations.petroleum operations while maintaining the highest industry standards.
(link for Camp Petroleum Services)
B. Europe 2000 (60% Ownership)
Europe 2000, is one of the pioneering national companies specializing in cleanliness and waste disposal through the most advanced scientific methods. Our team comprises experts and specialists in public sanitation, supported by a large fleet of vehicles specifically designed for waste collection and disposal using cutting-edge technologies.